I have been busted!!

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Yes, that´s right, someone here on WordPress has crossed

the fence

into my real world via Facebook. I trust


will not reveal my true identity here.

It´s a funny feeling knowing that there is someone out there who has read my crazy notions here and now knows what I look like, Mr CB, my boys, my life.

I gave it away, really, it was more of a game, late at night. He/She/it had commented on something and I followed a link to a Facebook page which I then liked. Months later I got a mail via FB asking how I came across the page. As I said, the rest is history, me and my wine induced games just gave away little clues until the person got it right.

Don´t get me wrong, I don´t mind because I trust he/she/it not to plaster my name all over WordPress, sometimes I even feel for doing so myself but I think, given the content of my posts, it´s best to keep it separate

picture credit:

I am your average wife,mother,friend,employee....a bit lost in my world, a bit crazy at times but always good for a laugh - I think ;-)

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Posted in My take on:, Randomness, Uncensored
32 comments on “I have been busted!!
  1. LoL, can I reblog this? Send me an email at aopinionatedman@gmail.com if I can. 🙂


  2. Reblogged this on HarsH ReaLiTy and commented:
    This was amusing. I like amusing.
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  3. willowdot21 says:

    nightmare!! 😉


  4. bernasvibe says:

    Awwww it can’t be all that bad for someone to know..But then again I’ve only just discovered your blog(re-blogged by O.M.) so not sure what you’ve shared here yet, lol! Alot of my real-life family/my very best, best friends/friends/church family/coworkers; follow my blog soooo I can’t say I’ve not been ‘eye-dentified ‘. I was actually feeling my way around here for a bit before posting my real picture; sort of kind of thinking of doing it for my upcoming 50th bday. Surprise the world on how good 50 feels! looks!!! and acts..


    • crazybunny66 says:

      Actually, I´m not quite sure if what I post here is really bad but it is personal and I would most possibly loose my job if my boss…. not, let´s not go there 😉 Mr. CB is all for privacy and that so I doubt he´d like to find out via the internet that I have been considering… change of subject I think … 😉


  5. Eh, it happens to the best of us. It’s not your fault. Some people can’t help but be nosey…


  6. Thumbelina81 says:

    Alas its a small world and your real world privacy is only as strong as your Facebook privacy settings..Heeee


    • crazybunny66 says:

      good point, they have been changed since 😉 but in all earnest, it´s a nice “he/she/it” who has not crossed the line and made any silly comments – luckily


  7. writingthebody says:

    No, it is scary….my great fear too….except, the strange part is I do not really feel as afraid as I should…I suppose it is the compartments of our lives thing as well….


  8. Ha ha. I know the feeling. I started my blog as a way to vent and laugh about certain issues – my job, my family, my friends. Yeah, now they all read it so I’ve got to be careful…


  9. mj2013 says:

    My main blog, where I am who I say I am, started out as a place to be honest about my life. But once friends started subscribing I realized I edited it a bit more. Then when I started looking for a new job, I had to be careful because I was using the blog as an example of my writing, so I could not risk potential employers reading something too personal. So I started this blog to voice what I really felt. But that means I cannot and do not broadcast it via FB or other social media. And probably like many who commented here, the more you post the more it becomes difficult to control and hide your true self.


    • crazybunny66 says:

      Hiya, thanks for coming by and commenting. Yes, you are right, it is difficult not to merge both worlds but, like you, I do not want my employer, friends or family to know what I post here, some things are not meant to be too public and that goes for my husband and sons, too. I keep a close eye on the countries my followers and readers come from too, not that it tells me much but sometimes I freak and wonder if maybe my clients read my stuff….. that doesn´t bear thinking about 😉


  10. crazybunny66 says:

    AND TO ALL OF YOU: thank you for your comments ❤


  11. OBNXS1 says:

    Ouch! I’ve kind of let my blog just sit without much promotion because it was more of a way to get shit off my chest than anything else. I both hope for and fear the day someone I actually know puts it together and “outs” me.


    • crazybunny66 says:

      I know, I didn’t exactly promote mine, it just happened but I know for sure that if people close to me were to come across this blog I would have to shut it down and I would hate having to do this! this is my place to vent without having to justify or say sorry and I love it!


  12. crazybunny66 says:

    Now why does that scare me? 😉


  13. harshii says:

    Oh God you are so funny!!!! 😀


  14. Thank you for visiting CardiganExpress. We love your blog and will follow. We are in love with your work. 🙂


  15. tgillespie27 says:

    Hmmm…I am new to this whole blogging “thing” and have my blog linked to my FB account for anyone to see. All of my friends and family now have access to it. I never really thought about it being problem, but now that I have read this post and the resulting comments I am wondering if perhaps I will regret this in the future??? I guess it’s too late now, lol.


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