Beam me up Scotty..

Picture: courtesy of google pictures.

I can not believe that work went from normally busy to the sh*** is going to hit the fan soon within a couple of days 😦

I have outsourced my two wee ones to my parents for the night so that I can start work at 06:00 am tomorrow, how sad is that? At the moment, I am unsure as to where to start, regardless of where I turn, it´s just a big pile or rather, a minimum of three big piles – at least I sorted it one way or another ;-).

Either way, I am going to have to bite the bullet and just get down to doing it asap.

On a positive note, two more weeks and then I´ll be on leave for a week. I am already planning on re-directing my mails home again 😉

Spoke to my GP tonight, since I was stressed out last year, she asked what I am going to do, because obviously we do not want this to happen again (WE??- me more likely). (no, I´m not a Nutter, promise..well, maybe a wee bit but not in the conventional way anyhow, just don´t know when to stop and go home sometimes).

Well, here´s the deal, I am going to get down to the nitty-gritty, get it all done in time no matter how, as I always do and once my boss is back I will tell him that we need another body in the office, I doubt he´ll buy it but .. that´s up to him then, if he doesn´t then he might as well sit there and take the sh** if deadlines won´t be met because I won´t, I hope ;-).

Still, I did have a nice weekend – not an April´s fool – and I intend to have many more nice weekends and times with my family, especially while I am off on leave.

I am your average wife,mother,friend,employee....a bit lost in my world, a bit crazy at times but always good for a laugh - I think ;-)

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Posted in Randomness
5 comments on “Beam me up Scotty..
  1. Starting work at 6:00 AM with a heavy workload is just no fun at all. But at least you had a nice weekend and it’s great that you’ll get a week off from work in two more weeks! 🙂 So hang in there, cause that leave will come, and though it’s a drag to be overburdened at work, the one good thing is that it makes the work day go by much faster, since you’re so busy, you are less aware of the hours passing by. So hang in there and good luck!


    • crazybunny66 says:

      Hello Chis, thank you for your kind words, you are right, it makes the time pass quicker and I am already making plans for the week I´m off. 🙂


  2. I know what you’re going through – I did the whole 6:00am to midnight and going in on weekends and stretching myself to the maximum in order to meet deadlines so my boss would be happy – BUT! You end up getting extremely burnt out and will end up resenting your boss and your job and will hate going into the office and end up writing blog posts like mine! HA! So I suggest raising the flag now so that your boss knows to get you some help. I am not bitter.

    Way to stay positive though!! 🙂


    • crazybunny66 says:

      Hiya, yep, big BUT and I´m already at the resenting (and snapping at – not so innocent – colleagues) stage. Still, I kind of feel grateful that I´ve still got a job and some missplaced loyalty, not so much to my boss, but my customer because they are the ones suffering if I don´t deliver. But you are right, time to race the flag, as you put it – arrrgh I dread it 😉
      On a positive note, If it were to help me write posts like your —- to hell with it, I just love your blog 😉


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