a missunderstanding?


recently kindly commented on my post


Some day these kids gonna be your supporting pillar and then you will thank God for helping you tend to your kids rather than to your desires

Now, maybe this is a misunderstanding on my behalf, maybe I did not make it quite clear:
I did not resent my boy for crying and repeatedly calling me at work, I felt shit for not being there for him immediately when he needed me. I love my children dearly and I appreciate how lucky I am for having them.

I work because I have to, financially, not because I want to. I think all working moms will agree with me when I say that there is nothing worse than the feeling of being torn between your responsibility to your work and to your family. Mr CB keeps saying “you wanted to work” when I complain about the stress and, of course, in a way he is right but that was years ago, when I had been at home with the kids for 5 years and I was getting bored talking about diapers all the time but I´d never thought that times would get so hard.

I am lucky in a way because I have a good support system, my parents for one (although they are getting a bit too old for the added stress of having to look after my kids) and I also have a brilliant childminder. My parents pick up the kids from school, take them to their childminder and I pick them up after work (or my eldest, depending on who´s home first). Quite a few people have said that 13 and 10-year-old boys can stay “home alone” in the afternoon, I disagree!! I want someone to be there for them after school, listen to how their day was and make them feel cared for. Unfortunately I can´t but I found second best in our childminder, she is brilliant with the kids and they love her to bits. I go as far to say that she´s not only our childminder but a dear friend to me now. If I had the choice, if I had the money, I´d jump at the chance of staying at home, I hate the constant feeling of guilt, every time something goes wrong, when they are sick, when they have a problem at school or a not so good test result, you name it, I feel responsible and guilty about it.

So, if I did not make it clear in my above mentioned post, I´m sorry,
If I completely misunderstood 23rddimention.wordpress.com comment then I am sorry, too, I appreciate your comment and you are of course completely right, I do thank God every minute of the day that I am blessed with having my three boys.

I am your average wife,mother,friend,employee....a bit lost in my world, a bit crazy at times but always good for a laugh - I think ;-)

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Posted in Randomness
6 comments on “a missunderstanding?
  1. I think that you are the one who has been misunderstood, by someone who understands very little. There are times in the online universe when after receiving comments of a certain nature, that we are wise if we first consider the source of the comment, before giving it any weight or relevance to what we have written. I thought I’d assist you by considering the source myself, and now having done so, my opinion is that the comment has no relevance here at all, so you should give it no weight – just as a spec of dust has no weight or ability to weigh down upon you.


    • crazybunny66 says:

      Hiya, I really appreciate your comment, I was completely thrown off balance here wondering if I´d got it wrong. For the life of mine, I do not want anyone to think that my kids are a burden to me or that work would come first but you are right, checking the source of the comment beforehand would have been a wise move 😉


      • I apologize to you. I think we may have both misunderstood each other. All I wanted to say that all the hard work you are doing for your family will eventually pay off when your children will stand by your side like a supporting pillar.

        However I was a bit surprised as I was praising your hard work for your family. I was moved by your struggle because I also saw my mother struggling through her peak years of youth. and now she is old and very dear to me.

        I apologize once again.


    • You are right and I respect your opinion. I don’t know in what context you have researched the Source you have mentioned in your comment. However I apologize for any hard feelings I have caused. I never meant to do that.


      • crazybunny66 says:

        Please don´t feel that you have to apologize, I really wasn´t quite sure if I had either misunderstood you or if maybe I ´ve given the wrong impression in my post. I just don´t want people to think that my kids are a burden to me and as I said, as a working mum I constantly feel guilty and maybe this feeling of guilt has led me to misunderstand your comment in the first place. No hard feelings, ok?


      • No hard feelings. I just wanted to you know that you are doing a great job. Take care.


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